303 research outputs found

    Adapting European Legislation to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Regulations in Relation to the State Responsibilities of Both the Flag State and the Control of Ships by Port State Control

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    The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, which will come into force as of 20 August 2013, contemplates a new system to guarantee its regulations are being applied by including Port State Control with traditional Flag State control. The European Union has incorporated the MLC 2006 into its legislation through an agreement reached with its European social agents, as a Directive, in virtue of Article 115 of the Court of Justice of the European Commission. Thus fulfilment of the MLC 2006 has become compulsory for all EU Member States. However, it has not yet been ratified and, besides, it is subjected to certain community Port State and Flag State control mechanisms, which improve the optional character with which they are contemplated in international regulations. This work briefly explains not only the community acceptance process and its consequences, but also the effectiveness that the Port State control’s system, established in the community area, has had in 2011. The control of labour and social security conditions will soon benefit from this effectiveness

    Recent and ancient evolutionary events shaped plant elemental composition of edaphic endemics: a phylogeny-wide analysis of Iberian gypsum plants

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    The analysis of plant elemental composition and the underlying factors affecting its variation are a current hot topic in ecology. Ecological adaptation to atypical soils may shift plant elemental composition. However, no previous studies have evaluated its relevance against other factors such as phylogeny, climate or individual soil conditions. We evaluated the effect of the phylogeny, environment (climate, soil), and affinity to gypsum soils on the elemental composition of 83 taxa typical of Iberian gypsum ecosystems. We used a new statistical procedure (multiple phylogenetic variance decomposition, MPVD) to decompose total explained variance by different factors across all nodes in the phylogenetic tree of target species (covering 120 million years of Angiosperm evolution). Our results highlight the relevance of phylogeny on the elemental composition of plants both at early (with the development of key preadaptive traits) and recent divergence times (diversification of the Iberian gypsum flora concurrent with Iberian gypsum deposit accumulation). Despite the predominant phylogenetic effect, plant adaptation to gypsum soils had a strong impact on the elemental composition of plants, particularly on sulphur concentrations, while climate and soil effects were smaller. Accordingly, we detected a convergent evolution of gypsum specialists from different lineages on increased sulphur and magnesium foliar concentrations.Spanish Government CGL2015-71360-P PID2019-111159GB-C31European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE-777803Spanish Government BES-2016-076455PTA contract AEI-CSIC PTA2019-017033-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (MICINN) RYC-2013-1416

    The interaction of Moringa Oleifera with Chromium and the effect on Chinese Hamster Ovary cell toxicity

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    Moringa oleifera is a plant with countless nutritional and therapeutic properties, and it is considered as one of the supplements that prevent diseases because of its antioxidant effects. In this study, treatment of CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells with commercially available M. oleifera (900 µg/ml, 4 mg/ml, 9 mg/ml, and 17.5 mg/ml) induced cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, cells were treated with different concentrations of chromium (0.25, 0.5, and 1 µM) combined with M. oleifera extract to evaluate its protective effect against heavy metals. Statistical analyses indicated that M. oleifera extract is toxic to the cells in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, our results suggest that chromium reduces the toxicity of M. oleifera by increasing cell viability. These observations suggest that chromium may antagonize the toxicity M. oleifera extracts and acts as a protective agent to cell toxicity

    La competencia sociocultural en el manual "Empeliculados – cine en la clase de español como lengua extranjera y segunda lengua"

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Formació de Professor d'Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera del "Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona (UNIBA)" Adscrit a la Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2022, Tutora: Olivia Espejel[spa] Este trabajo busca determinar el tratamiento de la competencia sociocultural en el manual Empeliculados – cine en la clase de español como lengua extranjera y segunda lengua, utilizando un instrumento de análisis de creación propia, en el que se clasifican las actividades del manual según la destreza que movilizan, la dinámica que promueven, su nivel de lengua (el manual es multinivel) y objetivo principal, así como su relación con los inventarios de Referentes culturales y Saberes y comportamientos culturales del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, para conocer cómo se integran los aspectos socioculturales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje propuesto. Para llevar a cabo este análisis se tienen en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las competencias sociocultural, audiovisual, comunicativa y comunicativa intercultural crítica y se considera la idoneidad de los materiales auténticos al trabajar con variedades del español particulares. El análisis demuestra que el manual es una herramienta adecuada para el tratamiento de la competencia sociocultural en el aula, si bien se identifican aspectos de mejora y la necesidad de un acompañamiento docente para lograr los objetivos propuestos.[eng] This study is set to analyze the treatment of the sociocultural competence in the manual Empeliculados – cine en la clase de español como lengua extranjera y segunda lengua, by creating and using an instrument to classify all the activities according to the skill mobilized, their dynamics, their level of language (it’s a multilevel manual) and their principal competence or objective. The instrument also analyzes the relationship between all the activities and the inventories Cultural references and Cultural Knowledge and behaviors of the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, to determine how the manual integrates the sociocultural aspects in the teaching-learning process. To develop this analysis, concepts related to the sociocultural, audiovisual, communicative, and critical intercultural competences were considered, as well as the suitability of working with authentic materials when learning/teaching particular Spanish varieties. The analysis shows that this manual is a good tool to teach the sociocultural competence in the classroom, but also that it needs some adjustments to do so and to work closely with the teacher to achieve the manual’s proposed objectives

    Creative Writing in Primary Education

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    RESUMEN: La escritura creativa es y debe seguir siendo un contenido fundamental que se debe desarrollar en la escuela desde sus inicios, pero sobre todo en la Escuela Primaria. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretende fomentar la escritura creativa dentro de las aulas de Educación Primaria. Este tipo de escritura permite al alumno ir más allá de los propios conocimientos y despertar la creatividad personal de cada uno. Lo más importante es que se puedan expresar con libertad y de esta manera todos seremos respetados. En primer lugar, el trabajo engloba una reflexión teórica en la que se abordan los aspectos más relevantes de la escritura y la escritura creativa, así como la motivación y la innovación de los docentes en las aulas. Y, por otro lado, se plantea una propuesta didáctica en las que se intenta cambiar las actividades rutinarias de los escolares, hacia una enseñanza más participativa donde se les involucre. A lo largo del desarrollo del trabajo veremos la importancia que tiene el docente en la vida escolar del educando, intentando guiar su camino para hacerles partícipes de su propio aprendizaje.ABSTRACT: Creative writing is and it must continue being an essential content that Schools must develop right from the beginning, but above all in Primary Education. In this Final Degree Project we must to encourage creative writing in the lessons in Primary Education. In this project, we are going to see that this type of writing provides students to go further away and to stimulate their personal knowledge. The most important thing is that each pupil has to show theirpersonal feelings and, in where they take part in. First of all, this project has a theoretical reflection in which different concepts about writing and creative writing are explained, as well as the motivation and the teacher´s innovation. And, on the other hand, we will suggest a variety of educational activities, in which teachers try to change the classical routine to a participative education in which students will be involved. In this Project we are going to see the importance that teachers have in the way of teach students, as we will be making them participate in their own learning which will be more personalised.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Análisis de las características específicas relacionadas con la técnica Flipped Learning en el manual Campus Sur

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Formació de Professor d'Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera del "Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona (UNIBA)" Adscrit a la Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2016-2018, Tutora: María Sanz Ferrer[spa] En este TFM analizamos las características específicas del manual Campus Sur, basado en los principios didácticos de flipped learning. Nos proponemos determinar qué características concretas tienen las actividades que lo componen en relación con esta técnica educativa, qué se espera del alumno y el rol que se otorga al profesor según las indicaciones tanto del manual como de la guía docente. Para determinar los rasgos concretos del manual relacionados con la técnica hemos incluido en el análisis otro manual, Aula 1, que no se basa en flipped learning.[eng] The purpose of this project is to analyse Campus Sur specific attributes, based upon the flipped learning teaching principles. The aim is to ascertain the particular traits from the belonging activities related to the teaching technique, what is expected from pupils and the teacher role according to the directions included in both: the students and the teacher book. In order to define this specific traits related to the technique, a second manual (Aula 1), which is not based upon flipped learning, has been included in the analisis

    Plan de negocios de un taller mecánico para trabajos rápidos

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    The crystallization water of gypsum rocks is a relevant water source for plants

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    Some minerals, like gypsum, hold water in their crystalline structure. Although still unexplored, the use of such crystallization water by organisms would point to a completely new water source for life, critical under dry conditions. Here we use the fact that the isotopic composition of free water differs from gypsum crystallization water to show that plants can use crystallization water from the gypsum structure. The composition of the xylem sap of gypsum plants during summer shows closer values to gypsum crystallization water than to free soil water. Crystallization water represents a significant water source for organisms growing on gypsum, especially during summer, when it accounts for 70-90% of the water used by shallow-rooted plants. Given the widespread occurrence of gypsum in dry lands throughout the Earth and in Mars, these results may have important implications for arid land reclamation and exobiology.This work was supported by an AEET Grant to S.P. J.P.F was supported by the Ramón y Cajal programme (RYC-2008-02050, MINECO). S.P. was supported by a Juan de la Cierva contract (MEC) and projects CGL2011-26654 (MEC, Spain) and ARBALMONT/786-2012 (OAPN, MAAMA, Spain)

    Mapa estratégico de instrumentos financieros para el manejo de la liquidez de la Cooperativa de Profesores de la Universidad de Antioquia (COOPRUDEA)

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    El presente trabajo de grado tiene como propósito realizar un análisis financiero de Cooprudea, que permita diseñar un mapa estratégico de instrumentos financieros para invertir los excedentes de liquidez, que se generan en la operación del negocio. Con ello se busca maximizar la relación riesgo-retorno de un portafolio diversificado en instrumentos de renta fija y variable. Para dar cumplimiento a éste objetivo se realizó un análisis de los títulos y contrapartes del mercado que más se ajustan al perfil conservador y el horizonte de inversión de corto plazo de la entidad, sin dejar de lado los límites legales y el régimen de inversiones que la regula. La Construcción del portafolio se planteó utilizando la teoría del análisis fundamental que no es más que una técnica de análisis que sirve como medio a los gerentes para la toma de decisiones de inversión y financiación, teniendo en cuenta factores económicos, sociales y políticos que pueden afectar el precio de un activo especifico. En la presentación de los resultados se consideró temas relevantes como la calificación de riesgo de cada uno de los títulos, la calidad crediticia de los emisores, las comisiones de administración, la rentabilidad y el plazo de los mismos. Los resultados mostraron con mayor representatividad a los certificados de depósito a término (CDT) como la categoría con mayor exposición, seguido de los bonos y las acciones, lo que hace de Cooprudea una cooperativa con un portafolio de inversiones básico, sin mucha exposición al riesgo para brindar una mayor seguridad del dinero de sus asociados.This research had a primary objective to make a financial analysis of Cooprudea, enabling us to design a strategic map of financial instruments to invest excess liquidity, which were generated in the operation of the business. This is sought to maximize the risk-return of a diversified portfolio of fixed income and equity financial instruments. To achieve this objective an analysis was conducted of securities and market counterparties that best fit to the conservative profile and short term horizon of the entity, without ignoring legal limits and investment regime that governed. The asset allocation construction theory was proposed using the fundamental view which is simply an analysis technique used by manager as driver for making investment and financing decisions, taking into account economic, social and political factors that may affect the price of a specific asset. In the results was considered relevant topics as the risk rating of each portfolio, the credit quality of issuers, management fees, profitability and maturity of them. The results reveal the certificates of deposit (CDs) the more representative as the category with the highest exposure, followed by bonds and equities, which makes Cooprudea a cooperative with a core investment portfolio, with no much risk exposure to provide greater security of money from its partners

    Bioconcentración de chlorpyrifos en raíces y follaje del pasto Cenchrus clandestinus (Hochst. ex chiov.) morrone, cultivado en inverdadero

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    RESUMEN: Se determinó la bioconcentración del insecticida clorpirifos en plantas de pasto Cenchrus clandestinus cultivadas hidropónicamente, el pesticida fue aplicado en la solución de cultivo, se realizó el seguimiento de la concentración del pesticida en los tejidos del follaje y de la raíz, durante 72 h de exposición a la solución nutritiva con 96, 192 y 288 mg L-1 de clorpirifos. Los muestreos en tejidos se realizaron a las 4, 24, 48 y 72 h. Para la extracción del clorpirifos del follaje y raíz del pasto se empleó el método MI 48640 con una sensibilidad de 0,01 ppm y la cuantificación se realizó por cromatografía de gases. Durante el estudio se evidenció que el clorpirifos se transporta a través del sistema vascular de plantas de C. clandestinus en cultivo hidropónico, desde la raíz hasta el follaje. Además, se evidenció bioacumulación creciente en los tejidos de raíz y follaje. La bioacumulación del clorpirifos fue mayor en la raíz 39,4 μg g-1 que en el follaje 1,1 μg g-1. Por lo anterior, la utilización de este insecticida en los sistemas ganaderos de trópico alto representa un riesgo para los bovinos y para los demás integrantes de la cadena alimenticia láctea.ABSTRACT: The bio-concentration of the insecticide chlorpyrifos in grass Cenchrus clandestinus cultivated in green house was determined. The pesticide was applied in the culture solution and we carried out the monitoring of the concentration of the pesticide in foliage and root tissues during 72 h of exposure to the nutrient solution with 96, 192 and 288 mg L-1 of chlorpyrifos. Tissue samples were taken at 4, 24, 48 and 72 h. Removal of chlorpyrifos of foliage and grass root used the MI 48640 with a sensitivity of 0.01 ppm and the quantification was carried out by gas chromatography. During the study, it was possible to observe that chlorpyrifos is transported through the vascular system of plants in grass C. clandestinus in hydroponic cultivation, from the root to the foliage. In addition, it showed an increasing bioaccumulation in the tissues of roots and foliage. Bioaccumulation of chlorpyrifos was higher in the root 39.4 μg g-1 than in foliage 1.1 μg g-1. Therefore, the use of this insecticide on livestock systems from high tropical areas represents a risk for cattle and other members of the dairy food chain
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